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Coffee and donuts: Beware this quick fix

You've got a busy work day ahead, but you've slept a little late. So, instead of fixing your usual healthy breakfast, you pour yourself a quick cup of coffee and grab a couple donuts from a box on the kitchen counter.

You've saved some time, but beware. This common quick-fix breakfast scenario can lengthen your time spent in the dental chair!

How coffee and donuts harm your teeth

The sugars in donuts can become a risk factor for gum inflammation and cavities. And keep in mind that one donut can contain as much sugar as a chocolate chip cookie, or even more.

The amount of sugar and cream in your coffee can likewise increase cavity-causing bacteria. What's more: tannins found in coffee etch into the pits and grooves of the tooth enamel, producing a rough stained surface.

Prevent damage from coffee and donuts

What can you do to lessen the sugar bath your teeth receive from this common breakfast combination?

  • Don’t nurse your coffee or pick at that donut throughout the morning. Limiting the time your coffee and donut stay in your mouth reduces the impact of the sugar on your teeth.
  • Rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste immediately after finishing your breakfast.
  • Cut back on the sugar and sweetened creamers in your coffee.
  • Swap out the sugary breakfast for healthier options. If you have time, consider making sugar-free oatmeal with nuts or fruit. If you're on the run, grab portable snacks like a banana, a boiled egg or string cheese.

Recipes for a healthy breakfast

Check out Delta Dental's library of healthy recipes for great breakfast ideas that will help keep you smiling all morning.

Get the recipes.

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Last updated February 15, 2022

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