4 oral health habits for a fantastic fallWhen you think of fall, you probably don’t think about your teeth. But you can practice good oral health habits anytime, anywhere.
Chocolate and your teethIs chocolate really that bad for your teeth? Here’s what you should know about this sweet treat.
Diet, diabetes and tooth decayHaving diabetes makes you susceptible to oral infections and gum disease. Learn how good nutrition can help you maintain great oral health.
Gum chewing: helpful or harmful to teeth?Explore the advantages of chewing gum for your oral health in this comprehensive Delta Dental wellness article. Click here to learn more!
Healthy nutrition for healthy teethModern approaches to oral health go beyond avoiding too much sugar. Here's what you need to know to choose a healthy diet for yourself and your smile.
Herbal supplements and your dentistWhether it's echinacea or aspirin, you should always let your dentist know about the medications and supplements you take. Here's why.
Holiday sweets can be tough on teethThe winter holidays are a time for sweet treats and tempting goodies, but that doesn't mean that you have to end up at the dentist with cavities in January.
How diabetes affects your oral healthPeople with diabetes are more likely to develop dental issues than those without it. Check out how you can help prevent these problems.
Prevent tooth enamel erosionYou can take steps to prevent erosion of tooth enamel by reducing intake of acidic food and beverages. Detect six signs of tooth enamel erosion.
What causes bad breath?Bad breath, or halitosis, has many causes. Here are some common issues that can leave you feeling less fresh.
Your dentist can spot acid refluxYou may recognize heartburn, but persistent symptoms can be a sign of a more serious condition. Your dentist can spot acid reflux before you do.