Provider notifications

National Provider Identifier (NPI)

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires dentists to obtain an NPI if they submit claims electronically or check claims status or patient eligibility and benefits information online. How to register your NPI with Delta Dental

Delta Dental provider responsibilities for the Language Assistance Program

California law requires health care service plans like Delta Dental to have a language assistance program (LAP) to support the language assistance needs of Delta Dental's limited English proficient (LEP) member population. The law also requires us to notify our contracted providers of their obligation.

State notices

California notices

Utilization review and management

Utilization review and management   (PDF, 73KB)

California regulations require health plans to provide upon request the criteria or guidelines used for the purposes of utilization review or utilization management functions.

New York notices

Domestic violence

Domestic violence   (PDF, 97KB) Other languages: Español, 中文

New York law has certain protections for victims of domestic violence when an order of protection is provided to the insurer against the policyholder.

FYI: For our New York providers

FYI: For our New York providers   (PDF, 115KB) Please read this information about Delta Dental of New York’s corporate governance.

Texas notices


Applications for participation in the Alpha Dental Programs network of General Dentists and Dentists specializing in Endodontics, Periodontics, Oral Surgery, Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry will be accepted between January 6, 2024 and January 10, 2025.  Applicants must meet all credentialing and other participatory criteria.  All applications will be reviewed and responses will be made within 90 days of receipt.  To request an application or further information, please write: Alpha Dental Programs, Attention: Professional Relations, 1701 Shoal Creek, Suite 240, Highland Village, Texas 75077.


West Virginia notices

Assignment of Benefits Notice

West Virginia Patient Assignment of Benefits to an Out-Of-Network Provider   (PDF, 49.6KB) Other languages: Español (PDF, 43.1KB)

West Virginia law requires dental plans to honor assignment of benefits, as long as the member is provided with conspicuous notice that the assignment is optional. The attached notice is required to be signed and submitted in order for Delta Dental to honor an assignment request.

Related information

Who we are

Copyright statement


For questions about these notices, please call us at 866-530-9675.

You may also write to us at

Delta Dental of California
P.O. Box 997330
Sacramento, CA 95899-7330