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2 minute songs to brush your teeth to

Have you heard of the 2x2 rule? To ensure healthy and happy smiles for you and your loved ones, dental professionals recommend the following:

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day.
  2. Brush for two minutes each time.

Does two minutes sound like a long time? Don’t worry – we’ve put together a series of playlists that everyone in your family can groove to. Each playlist has songs that are approximately two minutes long so toothbrush-time is a breeze!

Checkout our free Spotify playlists here:



You can also follow our Delta Dental Spotify channel here.

In addition to sticking by the 2x2 rule, your toothbrush and toothpaste choices are also important to your oral and overall health. Be sure to choose a soft-bristled brush, so as not to cause wear and tear on your gums which can lead to gum recession. Also, make sure to use a toothpaste with fluoride as this cavity-fighting ingredient helps teeth retain calcium and remain strong. When it comes to floss, the one that you will use everyday is the best choice! Whether waxed, unwaxed, flavored or on a plastic pick, the key is to floss correctly and consistently.

When it comes to your toothbrush technique, brush in small circles instead of up and down or back and forth, so as not to aggravate your gums. Use moderate-to-light pressure and hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle so that the crevice between your gums and teeth is cleared of plaque and bacteria. If plaque is not removed from your teeth regularly through consistent brushing and flossing, it will eventually break down your tooth enamel. Creating a positive and proactive approach to your oral health is key to avoiding issues later down the line.

Share these tooth tunes with your family and you’ll have smiles that will last a lifetime!