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PBS - Health Channel: Interview with Sarah Chavarria on oral health and older adults

Sarah Chavarria, President, Delta Dental Insurance Company

PBS Health Channel — Sarah Chavarria was recently featured on the PBS Health Channel’s Living Minute to discuss the results of our first Senior Oral Health Report: Older Americans’ Oral Care Regrets, Barriers and Impact.

PBS shares that according to Delta Dental’s survey, two out of five older Americans smile less because of the condition of their teeth which can have a negative impact on a person’s mental health and overall well-being. Generally, there’s a lack of understanding between the connection of oral health to our overall health among older Americans. Delta Dental’s report reveals that many seniors are reluctant to get regular dental checkups and this can contribute to increased risks for both physical and mental conditions.

“The connections we make when we are smiling with our family and friends affect how we feel about ourselves and are a big part of our health and well-being,” shares Sarah with PBS Health Channel – Living Minute.

Living Minute takes a look at the latest medical innovations featuring stories about new research and treatments that can change our lives. View the full interview with Sarah: PBS Health Channel - Living Minute