Plan your wellness calendar for 2023

Your employees are busy planning for a productive 2023. Help make this a healthy year by keeping them informed about issues related to their oral and overall health. Delta Dental’s wide assortment of free themed wellness materials lets you offer relevant wellness content all year long.

2023: A year for wellness

Wellness is all about approaching health from a preventive perspective. Strong messaging can remind your employees about the importance of caring consistently for their oral and overall health and help them avoid costly procedures down the line.

Throughout the year, from holidays to awareness months, Delta Dental offers a wealth of wellness materials. You can choose from more than 50 monthly campaigns, starting with Glaucoma Awareness Month in January and ending with holiday health in December.

This year’s calendar includes these new campaigns:

  • New Year, New You (January)
  • National Pet Dental Health Month (February)
  • Women’s Health Month (May)
  • National Smile Month (May 17–June 17)
  • Family Health and Fitness Day (June 10)

With Delta Dental, you can remind employees about the benefits of dental cleanings during National Dental Hygiene Month in October or you can even send  a letter from the Tooth Fairy that members can share with their kids for Tooth Fairy Day in February. Delta Dental has fun, engaging and informative content that comes at no extra cost for you. Visit the wellness calendar and you’ll find flyers, posters, booklets, infographics, videos and more.

Talk to your Delta Dental representative about campaigns you think might make an especially good match for your group. Your account manager can send you relevant, ready-to-go email campaigns full of resources each month to share with your employees. With our wellness content, it’s easy to turn 2023 into a great year for your employees’ oral health and total-body wellness.